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The Association of Japanese Geographers

Study Group on Quaternary Glaciation in Japan

Since April 2000

geomorph.gif Periglacial Geomorphology at the Beginning of the 21st Century
Tokyo, Japan, 25 August 2001

Geomorphology Volume 52, Issues 1-2 (30 May 2003)
zfg.jpg Glaciation and Periglacial in Asian High Mountains
Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Geomorphology, Tokyo, Japan, August 23 to 28, 2001
Zeitschrift fuer Geomorphologie, Supplement Band 130 (2003)
chigaku.jpg Mountain Glaciation and Mountain Permafrost in Asia (in Japanese)
Journal of Geography Vol.111 No. 4 Tokyo Geographical Society (2002)
INQUA Commission on Glaciation: Work Group: Extent and Chronology of Glaciations Vol. III (Asia, Latin America, Africa, Australasia, Antarctica)

Name Study Group on Quaternary Glaciation in Japan
Organizer: Kazuomi Hirakawa (Chair)
S.Iwata, T.Shiraiwa, T.Aoki
H.Hasegawa and T.Sawagaki
Office: Prof.Kazuomi Hirakwa
Graduate School of Environmental Earth Science
Hokkiado University
Sapporo 060-0810 JAPAN
Tel/Fax: +81-11-706-2210

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