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Program and abstracts

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13:00-13:05Introduction (Dr.Takayuki SHIRAIWA)

[Part-1](100 min)
13:05-13:20The Glaciation of the Japanese AIps (H.Hasegawa and T.Aoki)
13:20-13:35Late Quaternary Glaciations in the Hidaka Range (S.Iwasaki, T.Sawagaki and K.Hirakwa)
13:35-13:45Comment:Glacial deposits and chronology in Tateyama, Hida Mountains, Central Japan (T.Kawasumi)
13:45-13:55Comment: Glacial landforms in the snowy mountains of northern Japan (T.Koaze and S.Sawaguchi)

14:05-14:20 Perspective view of the glaciations in Japan by the latest trend of studies on glaciation in the world (T.Sawagaki and T.Shiraiwa)
14:20-14:30Comment: Chronological aspects on glaciation in the Jananese Islands (S.Iwata)
14:30-14:40Comment: Rock glaciers and moraines in Japanese cirques (M.Aoyama)

14:50-15:00Brake (10 min)

[Part-2](80 min)
15:00-15:15New Dating Methods for Glacial Chronology (Tatsuto AOKI)
15:15-15:25Comment: Dating glacial sediments by optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) (S.Tsukamoto and R.Kondo)

15:35-15:50Regimem of the Ice Age glaciers in Japan on the analogy of present glaciological environments in the Far East (S.Shiriwa)
15:50-16:00Comment: (A.Abe-Ouchi)
16:00-16:10 Comment: Possibility of ice cap formation in Japanese high mountains in the ice age --Comments to the regimen of the ice age glaciers in Japan--- (Y.Ono)

[Part-3](40 min)
16:20-17:00General discussion
 Proposal to establish The Study Group on Quaternary Glaciation in Japan (K.Hirakawa)

Japanese Article
Japanese Article

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